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Always Impressive...

Once again, as it has happened so many times, the people of Clay County continue to  impress me.  Sunday night, as communitiesthat support Sandy Creek Public Schools came together to help one of their own students and families out, I walked around chatting with folks, gazing at the support for a little guy and his family. I just stood in amazement at the outpouring of help and assistance the communities of Edgar, Fairfield,  

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By Jennie Paulus
School is starting, so drive careful and watch out for the school children. Also, sports will be starting soon; let’s support our local teams. Bob and Sheila Yohe spent several days in Saratoga, WY, with their daughter, Jessica. They stayed to help Jessica after surgery. Diane Uken was a Fridayovernight guest at the home of her brother, Tom Knutson, of  St. Paul. Diane Uken, Lori, Ben, Trevor and Andrew Holloway spent a week in Branson, MO. They toured Silver Dollar City and enjoyed the many sights of Branson and even rode the Ducks.
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By Nina Weese
Another two weeks have gone by and we’re all still here. No really bad weather has happened in this area, although we are dealing with a lot of humidity, which makes for steamy days. Just a normal Nebraska summer… These past few weeks, Marlene Shirey has had her great-grandchildren visiting. This week, it was Faith Williams of York and she plans on having Tyler Williams overnight this week to come. With school coming back in session, we all had to let the little ones go back home.
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Take A Bow

by Ashley Swanson
I’m not really sure how it happened. I had gone to the first day of the Allegro Wolf Broadway Academy on Monday, July 27, to take photos for last week’s paper. It didn’t take longer than the 30 minutes of me being there to be sucked into their world. Maybe it was their energy or maybe it was the love they had for theatre and music...either way, I was hooked. And for the remainder of the week, I continued to go back to Allegro whenever I had the chance.
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It’s A Small World...

by Tory Duncan
As I took one of the first getaway since I have moved to Clay County...not counting trips to Lincoln or Omaha for state sporting events, I had one of those “It’s a Small World” moments Thursday night during a stay in Thedford, NE. My tour of the Sandhills began with a trip through Halsey National Forest. I then checked into the motel in Thedford, with dinner plans at the “Lonely Grill,” as it is called, right next to the motel.
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Is the Mail on Time in Rural Areas? U.S. Postal Service is Going to be Asking

WASHINGTON—Small towns and rural areas may soon get more attention from the U.S.Postal Service, following several  years of post office and mail sortingfacility closings. The Senate Appropriations Committee this week ordered new examination   of the on-time arrival of mail outside urban areas. National Newspaper Association President John Edgecombe Jr., publisher of The Nebraska Signal in Geneva, NE, said the new requirement resulted from NNA’s work to improve rural mail service. He expressed NNA’s thanks to Sen. Roy Blunt, R-MO, for being the champion of a new rural mail service measurement 

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District 38 Senator Kuehn’s Part Three of Property Taxes

While the valuation of property subject to taxation by a political subdivision is dictated by market conditions and subject to the Uniformity Clause of the Nebraska Constitution, the amount of tax collected per$100 of valuation, called the tax levy, is set by each political subdivision annually. An examination of your property tax statement lists which political subdivisions you are paying taxes to and the levy rate. Expressed as a decimal figure, the rate is calculated as a percentage of total valuation collected in taxes.   n

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Downright Fun...

by Tory Duncan
You know, some may get tired of me sharing my feelings about the very quaint Clay County Fair year in and year out, but I’m here to tell you all, it IS the best fair of all, because of the simple fact that it is small. It is family oriented and it brings out true support for one another. There are no “school allegiances,” no community lines drawn. It truly is ONE COUNTY coming together to support their kids and their families, and it truly does make for one heck of a fun four days.
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A Big Week...

by Tory Duncan
As I mentioned last week, we’re right in the middle of the Big Summer Run! This week just might be one of my favorite weeks of each year, as the 2015 Clay County Fair kicks off Thursday in Clay Center. I certainly enjoy all the summer festivals in our county, as it is always fun to see communities celebrate and have a great time together.
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The Mid Summer Run...

Some weeks it is hard to jumpstart the “column writing brain” in an effort to pen the Bull. This week, with all the happenings that took place in Edgar and Sutton with the annual EdgarFest and Dugout Days festivities, you’d think it would be just easy to pound out the column!


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